How to Prevent Pakistani Anarchy

How to Prevent Pakistani Anarchy

In 10 weeks of protests, Tunisians and Egyptians achieved for themselves what 10 years of bloodshed could not purchase for Pax Americana or its archenemy in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Postcard from…Takae

Postcard from…Takae

In the jungles of northern Okinawa, protests against planned U.S. helipads reach a crisis point.

The Lowest Form of Military Aggression

On July 1, 2010, Costa Rica’s Legislative Assembly authorized the U.S. military to undertake policing duties in Costa Rica, based on an expired “Cooperation Agreement.”

Pushing Missile Defense in Europe

The United States wants to establish bases in Poland and the Czech Republic — over the objections of the citizens of those countries.

Iraq After November 7

Americans want a new direction in foreign policy, but will the Democrats lead?

War or Rumors of War?

War or Rumors of War?

Is Washington planning to attack Iran or just bluffing? Columnist Frida Berrigan reads between the lines of the latest U.S. preparations.