Bahrain’s Courageous Doctors

Bahrain’s Courageous Doctors

Medical ethics has a long and honorable history that U.S. officials and medical professionals must uphold for the doctors and nurses in Bahrain.

Rubber Dollie

A poem about the theater of cruelty that was Abu Ghraib.

Has the Rendition Program Disappeared?

Has the Rendition Program Disappeared?

The Obama administration promised to reverse the Bush-era policies on terrorism. But the president has spent most of his time reversing himself.

Torturers? Who, Us?

It’s time President Obama stopped protecting our war criminals.

Getting it Wrong in Guantanamo

Getting it Wrong in Guantanamo

The government’s case was based largely on Omar Khadr’s own self-incriminating statements, even though he made them after being tortured.