The SHARE Fair

The SHARE Fair

Come learn how to do your own composting, start a community garden, or build your own website at the SHARE Fair, a free space where activists from different movements come together to share practical skills and learn from each other. 

Workshop: Winning Legislative Campaigns

Workshop: Winning Legislative Campaigns

The Institute’s Social Action & Leadership School for Activists presents this class to teach you the skills needed to turn policy proposals into law. Topics will include target mapping, vote charting, messaging, and lobbying. Students will get hands on training and constructive critiques through roleplays on news conferences, meetings with decision-makers, and more. Also, learn critical insider insights from an instructor who has successfully navigated the policy making arena for more than 15 years.

Workshop: Fast Fundraising

Workshop: Fast Fundraising

Does your organization need money right now? How would you like fundraising results like these?

  • Two board members raise $12,500 in two weeks
  • One woman attended this class and raised $50,000 within a month
  • Just adding one thing to an event raised an additional $11,000
  • An executive director raised $250,000 in 11 weeks

Katherine Wertheim, CFRE has helped dozens of nonprofit organizations and raised millions of dollars. She has taught thousands of people how to fundraise. She rarely teaches in Washington: this is your first opportunity to hear her in 2011.