Talking The Talk

President Obama seems to be shifting his message but not his actions when it comes to reducing military spending and reigning in the Bush tax cuts.

We Need to Rethink, Not Rearm NAFTA

While Canada and the US get ready to move bilaterally to beef up border security, we wonder who benefits from the proposed “security perimeter.”

War Talk, Peace Talk

War Talk, Peace Talk

Talk of war with Iran and peace in the Middle East are two sides of the same coin.

Foreign Policy: C-

Foreign Policy: C-

On his report card after the first year the president passes in foreign policy, but barely and with a note in the margin: needs improvement.

Yemen: Deja Vu All Over Again

The United States punished Yemen 20 years ago by cutting off aid. Today, the United States is punishing Yemen by sending aid.

Listen: Afghanistan

After eight years of deafness, the White House is now listening. When it comes to Afghanistan, we just have to speak a little louder.