About angels IX

About angels IX

It’s man versus butterfly in this poem about the competing demands of nature and economy.

The Humanity of Poetry

The Humanity of Poetry

The 500 poets participating in Split This Rock Poetry Festival come from all walks of life and all levels of education and training.

Split This Rock Poetry Festival 2012

Split This Rock Poetry Festival 2012

Split This Rock offers participants opportunities to speak out, make common cause, and explore the many ways poets are working for change through their writing, activism, and community work.



A poem about Gaza asks whether there is a poem in Gaza that hasn’t been written?

Blog for Choice 2012: To Sever the Stitch of Shame

Blog for Choice 2012: To Sever the Stitch of Shame

To say that the issue of abortion excites strong feelings is to state the obvious. But abortion also inspires complex feeling, especially for women. A perfect vehicle for carrying all this challenging, raging, nuanced emotion: poetry.

Poets Stand Up

Poets Stand Up

On the Walk of Shame, poets visit the embassies of Burma, Yemen, and Turkmenistan to read aloud the poems that can’t be read inside those countries.

The Undocumented Poet

The Undocumented Poet

A fellow UCLA DREAMer joins our special screening of Nostalgia for the Light this Thursday.

Vendetta, May 2006

Vendetta, May 2006

Politicians wage war, rages the poet, but they don’t pay the price.