Shadow Warriors: Movin’ On Up

The U.S. is embarking on a military sea change that will replace massive deployments, like Iraq and Afghanistan, with stealthy night raids, secret assassinations, and death-dealing drones.

Petraeus Played

Petraeus Played

Imposter Taliban negotiator brings out the hubris in Gen. Petraeus.

The Great Myth: Counterinsurgency

As success in Afghanistan becomes more uncertain, Conn Hallinan argues that the problem is not Afghanistan, but the entire concept of counterinsurgency.

The Surge of Ideas

The Surge of Ideas

As the United States approaches next year’s deadline to begin troop withdrawals from Afghanistan, questions about the legitimacy of joint military-wonk policy campaigns are churning just beneath the surface.

Shahzad: A Pretext, Not a Man

Shahzad: A Pretext, Not a Man

Pakistani officials believe the U.S. is trying to use the Shahzad case to pressure the country to launch a ground offensive against the militant hornets’ nest in Waziristan province.

The Ab-surge-ity of it All

President Bush continues to claim, and McCain and Palin repeat, “The Iraqis are better of because they’re free” and remain free thanks to the surge. But the new dictionary has interesting synonyms for the word “absurgeity.”

Executive Swap

I propose that the first Robert Mugabe Presidents in Residence Program at the University of Zimbabwe go to, drum roll please: George W. Bush.


Last August, the U.S. military mistakenly sent six nuclear-armed missiles on a cross-country tour of the United States. For 36 hours, no one knew where the nuclear weapons were. OOPS!

The Million Year War

There’s a risk that the United States will never withdraw from Iraq.