Economic Crisis, War & Racism

Economic Crisis, War & Racism

Don’t miss an interactive diague on “why the fight must be for people-centered human rights” with IPS Associate Fellow, Ajamu Baraka visiting from Colombia, South America. 

12 Years Of People’s Democracy In Venezuela

12 Years Of People’s Democracy In Venezuela

Feb. 2 marks the 12 year anniversary of the inauguration of President Chavez and the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution. Some of Venezuela’s most impressive achievements that we want to celebrate include: A reduction in poverty by 44% between 1998 and 2008 according to the United Nations Development Programme and the OAS, a fall in unemployment from 16.8% in 2003 to 7% in 2010, an increase by 10 places on the Human Development Index of the United Nations from 1998 to 2008, and the near obliteration of illiteracy.

No Democracy Yet in Thailand

The military promised to rid Thailand of corruption. So far, all the coup leaders have done is rid the country of democracy.