Obama, Inc.

With Daley and Immelt on board, our president is waltzing with the devil.

Bribing Israel: Enhancing the Swag

What’s supposed to be the main point of it all — new negotiations leading to something remotely resembling a just, lasting and comprehensive peace — is simply not on the agenda of either Israel or the U.S.

A Bitter Taste of Racial Discrimination

A Bitter Taste of Racial Discrimination

While pundits and politicos were vilifying Shirley Sherrod for an act of discrimination that didn’t occur, Senate Republicans cut the payments for thousands of official acts of actual discrimination against African-American farmers.

Obama: Faking Right?

Obama may be fooling us all by faking right and dribbling right — but it’s our responsibility to close down that lane and make sure he drives to the left.

Tax Wall Street to Pay for Jobs

Tax Wall Street to Pay for Jobs

The Senate should be looking for ways to jumpstart the economy — but not at the expense of those who suffered the most from the crisis.