The Taiwan that Roared

For all the vibrancy of Taiwanese politics and the high performance of Taiwan’s economy, the island is something of an embarrassment to the international community. Taiwan looks like a state. It acts like a state. But only two dozen other countries recognize Taiwan as a state.

A Modest Proposal

When the Bush administration tried earlier to push through a comprehensive immigration reform bill, anti-immigrant groups unleashed a grassroots protest over the proposed amnesty measures and helped to defeat the bill.

The Grim Numbers

For many Americans, — 3,834 U.S. soldiers dead, 27,753 wounded — quantify the tragedy of Iraq. It’s all about us: our invasion, our occupation, our losses.

My Meeting with Ahmadinejad

The Iranian president’s religiously charged rhetoric is often incoherent and inflammatory, but is he really a threat to the United States?

Burning the Ships? Iran and the United States

Burning the Ships? Iran and the United States

America is forcing Iran into a corner, from which it is only likely to emerge armed with a nuclear warhead — turning what is considered by many a nightmare scenario into a reality.

Bazaar-o World

Name the country in the Middle East that is most anti-American. Egypt? Palestine? Lebanon? Try again. Try instead our key NATO ally, the third largest recipient of U.S. military aid, and one of the countries in line for membership in the European Union.

The U.S., India and the Elusive 123 Deal

If passed in its current form, the U.S.-India agreement will act as a catalyst for pumping nuclear fuel and technology into a region perceived by some U.S. leaders as a “nuclear tinder box”.

Just Nuclear Disarmament

Security is not just about the military. When we speak of security, we are talking about freedom from military conflicts and terrorist attacks. But we also believe that security involves access to sufficient food and shelter, good health care and good jobs, a clean environment and well-functioning, accountable political structures.

Iran: Thinking the Unthinkable

A rational government would learn the lessons of Iraq and steer clear of attacking Iran. But, alas, irrationality happens…