Hillary Clinton: A Hawk in the Wings

Hillary Clinton: A Hawk in the Wings

After a mere eight years in which diplomacy narrowly edged out militarism, the foreign policy elite rallying around Clinton has forgotten the lessons of the George W. Bush era.

My Memories of Libya

My Memories of Libya

1982 Libya had a different feeling than the current world, but its memories shape a view of the current situation.

Arming Libya’s Rebels: Overdue Idea or ‘Disaster in the Making’?

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that the U.S. has not yet decided whether to send weapons to Libya’s struggling opposition movement. Jim Lehrer discusses the arms issue with the Institute for Policy Studies’ Emira Woods and Mansour El-Kikhia of the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Attack on Libya May Unleash a Long War

Libyan protesters asked for help, but the military attacks they’re getting may actually create a whole new set of problems that could last a very long time.

UN Declares War on Libya

UN resolution goes far beyond no-fly zone to allow all necessary measures against Qaddafi.

Time for Intervention Running Out

With Libyan government forces advancing towards the rebel capital of Benghazi, the time for possible military intervention by the U.S. and its NATO or other allies appears to be running short.