Burning the Ships? Iran and the United States

Burning the Ships? Iran and the United States

America is forcing Iran into a corner, from which it is only likely to emerge armed with a nuclear warhead — turning what is considered by many a nightmare scenario into a reality.

Bazaar-o World

Name the country in the Middle East that is most anti-American. Egypt? Palestine? Lebanon? Try again. Try instead our key NATO ally, the third largest recipient of U.S. military aid, and one of the countries in line for membership in the European Union.

Gasoline for the Fire

Like a gambling addict who has to keep betting more to cover his previous losses, the Bush administration’s recently announced plan to provide some $65 billion worth of advanced weapons to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel over the next 10 years represents a reckless, poorly considered attempt to mitigate the consequences of its ill considered invasion of Iraq.

Northern Iraqs Tangled Web

With Turkey worried about an independent Kurdistan and the United States bent on destabilizing Iran, northern Iraq is on the brink of chaos.

Bad Behavior Brings Good Results

While Cheney deemed Pelosi’s Syria trip to be “bad behavior,” she was actually following a practice prudently exercised by previous presidents, often bringing good results.

Shiite vs. Sunni?

Shiite vs. Sunni?

U.S. policies of divide and rule in the Middle East, explains FPIF columnist Conn Hallinan, are now exploding in our faces.

Left-Right Alliance Against War?

The War Party dominates Washington. But antiwar movements on the left and the right have a historic opportunity to change the political map.

Regional Implications of the Iraq War

Contrary to the stated aspirations of Washington hawks, the Iraq War has dealt a body blow to the many Middle Eastern activists working for democracy and peace. On these grounds alone, the war has been an unmitigated disaster.