Film: The Day Diplomacy Died

Film: The Day Diplomacy Died

Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5 present a screening with discussion of The Day Diplomacy Died, that includes a multimedia report back on the recent 9th Colloquium in Holguin, Cuba about the Cuban 5.

From Here to Timbuktu

From Here to Timbuktu

One longs for the heyday of ancient Timbuktu, when African scholars pored studiously over learned manuscripts in quiet libraries.

Governments Kill

Governments kill on our behalf. This arrangement is a form of social contract, which means that governments are basically contract killers.

Saving Darfur or Salvation Delusion?

Saving Darfur or Salvation Delusion?

It’s amid the U.S. government’s contradictory posturing and less-than-humanitarian geopolitical motives that the activist movement addressing Darfur operates.