Needed: A Coherent U.S. Strategy for India

US policy towards India can no longer be reduced to narrowly defined regional issues, especially after a decade of sustained growth and the changes wrought by the Bush administration.

A Path for Peace in South Asia

A Path for Peace in South Asia

India and Pakistan continue to prepare for war even though the majority of people in both countries want peace, reports columnist Zia Mian.

Pushing South Asia Toward the Brink

Pushing South Asia Toward the Brink

The United States is arming both India and Pakistan, encouraging India’s nuclear program, and destabilizing the region through its military efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan, argues Zia Mian.

Bollywood Gets Political

Bollywood Gets Political

It’s no longer just the same old song and dance: India’s film industry is tackling some pretty serious topics.

Big Three Block Iran Attack

Without the support of Russia, China, or India, the United States will have great difficulties starting a war with Iran.

A New Cold War?

A New Cold War?

Politics is much like physics, columnist Conn Hallinan argues: for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. And NATO is generating just such a reaction.

Ten Years After

Ten Years After

A decade after India and Pakistan exploded their nuclear devices, the cloud that still hangs over South Asia is growing darker.

The World Banks Carbon Deals

As it outsources emissions cuts, the World Bank is dealing from both ends of the climate change deck.

World Bank: Climate Profiteer

The World Bank irresponsibly and recklessly continues to perpetuate the world’s dependence on climate-altering fossil fuels while profiting from carbon trading, a dubious remedy to climate change.