Bomb-Iran Week Turns Syrious

Despite indications that direct military involvement in Syria would be unwise, strong supporters of Israel like John McCain have called for the U.S military to bomb the country, in addition to Iran.

The Bitter Taste of Brazil’s World Cup

With two years to go before the World Cup in Brazil, already people are questioning the massive evictions caused by the Cup’s enormous infrastructure projects and the legal privileges that must be conceded to the all-powerful FIFA, which has set itself up as a kind of super-state capable of imposing its own laws and special tribunals.

Risks for Dark-Skinned Libyans

Libya’s rampant acts of racism against dark-skinned Libyan civilians must be brought to the attention of the international community, who must address the problem and hold Libya accountable.

Offshore Everywhere

How Drones, Special Operations Forces, and the U.S. Navy Plan to End National Sovereignty As We Know It

In Signal to Israel and Iran, Obama Delays War Exercise

The postponement of a massive joint U.S.-Israeli military exercise appears to be the culmination of a series of events that has impelled the Barack Obama administration to put more distance between the United States and aggressive Israeli policies toward Iran.

Some Truth and Justice for Rwanda at Last

Who shot down President Habyarimana’s plane, triggering the 1994 genocide? A report by two French judges has definitively resolved one of the controversial mysteries of the late 20th century. Gerry Caplan considers the implications in the light also of the extradition of alleged genocidaire Leon Mugesera.