Report Back: Unique Trip To Chihuahua, Mexico

Report Back: Unique Trip To Chihuahua, Mexico

Puppet Underground and IPS expert, Sanho Tree, will give a report back from their trip to Chihuahua, Mexico this past December, where they partnered with several community groups doing music and puppetry workshops. The trip culminated in a Fandango on the border between Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, TX on December 11th.

SOTU: Free the People

During the campaign Obama said his favorite TV show was The Wire. He “gets” injustice, but he missed his chance to demonstrate leadership tonight.

The Eternal Drug War

Despite the horrific casualties from the War on Drugs, most elected leaders are fearful of seeking peace.

End the Pot Prohibition

Let’s make getting busted for marijuana possession like getting a speeding ticket.

US Counter-Narcotics Policy in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Mexico

US Counter-Narcotics Policy in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Mexico

According to the 2006 report of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime/Ministry of Counternarcotics, Opium production in Afghanistan has skyrocketed since the U.S. military teamed with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance in toppling the Taliban in 2001, with Afghanistan now supplying 92 percent of the world’s illicit opium.

60-Second Expert: Plan Colombia in Mexico?

The only thing surprising about Clinton’s horrifying proposal to apply a Colombian model to Mexico is that she said it out loud, reports columnist Laura Carlsen.