Debate: Are “Failed States” A Product of Modern Globalization?

A debate on the motion that “Failed States are a Product of Modern Globalization.” Moderated by Foreign Policy magazine Editor-in-Chief Susan Glasser. Debaters include Col. John Agoglia (Ret.), Vice-President of IDS International; Emira Woods from the Institute for Policy Studies; Paul Wood, the President of Pax Mondial; and  Dr. Arvind Subramanian of the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

Debate on Globalization: Threat or Opportunity?

Debate on Globalization: Threat or Opportunity?

The IMF’s stated mission is to create and maintain macro-economic stability and to assist countries having solvency issues with their balance of payments. There are those who assert that the IMF is actually a destabilizing force within the global economy, while others believe that the countries themselves are to blame for poor economic choices.  In a provocative contest of perspectives and analysis Rick Rowden, a long time critic of IMF policy will challenge Eugene Nyambal, former Senior Advisor to Executive Director at the Board of Directors of the IMF.