Third Rail Politics at the 2011 Seattle Hempfest

The way things get done in Washington, D.C. depends on closed door whispering. It is time to develop a non-binding straw poll to put partisan concerns aside for the sake of America.

High Noon in Washington

High Noon in Washington

Just like in the classic western, Obama stands alone, outnumbered against forces who seek his destruction.

Dim Bulbs in Congress

Dim Bulbs in Congress

Philips, GE, and Sylvania all are ready to market incandescent bulbs that meet higher efficiency standards, while saving money for consumers — but don’t tell tea-partying lawmakers.

Scrapping America’s Bootstraps

Entitlements include many of the basic programs that have raised the U.S. standard of living since the FDR administration and before.

America’s Real Job Creators are Broke

Despite the GOP’s ideological claptrap about corporate executives being “job creators,” it’s ordinary Americans who actually create jobs.