The New War Congress: An Obama-Republican War Alliance

To understand just how bad the 112th Congress, elected on November 2nd and taking office on January 3rd, is likely to be for peace on Earth, one has to understand how incredibly awful the 110th and 111th Congresses have been during the past four years and then measure the ways in which things are likely to become even worse.

Kyl’s Nuclear Non-Starter

Republicans see shelving New START as a serious foreign policy blow that will further weaken Obama’s presidency.

America’s Hungry Children Need Food

Congress shouldn’t be gutting our effective Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program when there are still children in our country that are desperately in need of food.

Slashing Food Stamps Makes No Sense

Congress should get the money for its jobs bill by taxing the multibillion-dollar bonuses that Wall Street bankers are paying out to themselves.

Reining in Executive Pay

The landmark financial reform legislation passed in July includes reforms advocated for years by those who believe that empowering shareholders will clean up the executive pay mess.