How the U.S.-Led War on Drugs Ravaged Central America

How the U.S.-Led War on Drugs Ravaged Central America

IPS drug policy expert Sanho Tree says strategies to address underlying drivers, including inequality and systemic lack of opportunities in Central America, is key to developing alternatives to the war on drugs.

VIDEO: World Bank Protest, Pacific Rim v. El Salvador

On December 15, 2011, a number of civil society groups came together to oppose the World Bank tribunal that is deciding the case Pacific Rim v. El Salvador, a case that may set a precedent for future tribunals and chart a devastating course for El Salvador.

Central America: ‘Deadliest Non-War Zone’

The Department of Defense has announced that Mexico will receive $51 million for fiscal year 2011. According to military officials the drug war has grown to rival the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. We ask if throwing more money at the situation, or even more American troops, work? Institute for Policy Studies’ Sanho Tree explains.

School of Coups

The Honduran coup highlights why the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, which replaced the School of the Americas, must be scrapped.

El Salvador’s Gold Fight

At stake in El Salvador’s movement to ban mining is the question of whether private interests can trump national sovereignty.