Annotate This: Commander Guy Bush

Is Bush “the” commander guy or just “a” commander guy? It really doesn’t matter much since he’s the commander in chief. He gets to command, unless Congress decides it’s had enough and commands him not to.

Foreign Investors Gone Wild

Leaders of developing countries are often forced to work with institutions that promote and protect foreign investment — with little regard for the costs to democracy and the environment.

Round-The-Clock Voting

Voting can no longer be a civic duty exercised every few years. We must now vote 365 days a year, telling our leaders that they won’t wait another election cycle to sink the country further into the Iraq War’s quagmire.

U.N. Ambassador’s Oily Past

The White House, however ideologically committed to unilateralism and the unbridled assertion of military power, still needs the UN.

Our State Among States

The Iraq War has become the face of the United States around the world and this will haunt Bush during his State of the Union address.

Plan for Withdrawal

Given that Bush’s goals are unreachable, the only option is to change course and bring the troops home now.

Crude Vision

How oil interests obscured US Government focus on chemical weapons use by Saddam Hussein.