Bush Raises the Stakes in Iraq

The Bush administration is undermining the logic of deterrence–previously used to make weapons of mass destruction unthinkable in wartime due to certain retaliation–and making the use of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction all the more likely.

A Tall Order

This week’s official inauguration of the African Union (AU), which replaces the moribund Organization of African Unity (OAU), was held amid predictable fanfare.

Random Realism

Most liberal commentators seemed to agree that Bush was merely the paperback edition of an American president.

Russia Mulls A New Unilateralism

Russia’s former republics have fixed borders, but Russia’s conception of its own southern frontier appears to remain undefined. After a casual meeting with the presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan in Aktau, Kazakhstan on July 6

Deadly Illusions

There are people of good will on both sides, people not blinded by the illusion that violence solves everything.

Capitalism’s Best Pals: Liberals

” This is a “betrayal of capitalism” in which the “most fundamental principles of our market system were being flouted.”