Review: After 9/11

Review: After 9/11

In a new book of interviews, Tobias Endler explores the role and aspirations of public intellectuals like Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn and how they reach out to their preferred audiences.

The Undead Chicken

With Libya, the Obama administration has followed the Chinese adage: kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. But the chicken still rules the roost in Tripoli.

Review: Cultures of War

Review: Cultures of War

Historian John Dower illustrates the evolution of the attitudes, thoughts, and cultures that govern the conduct of modern warfare.

The Prisoner as Message

The United States’ recent stance on the case of Saadeddin Ibrahim is the first time since the signing of the Camp David Accords 25 years ago that America has made its aid for Egypt conditional upon a human rights issue.

No Thank You, Mr. President

The U.S. is not doing us any favors–it is endangering us for its own aggressive interests as a financial and military superpower.

Afghanistan Quagmire

Afghanistan is beginning to look like a quagmire rather than a victory, with echoes of the confusion and uncertainty and persistent bloodshedding of Vietnam.

Bush’s United Nations Speech Unconvincing

Despite vastly improved reconnaissance technology in the subsequent forty years, President George W. Bush, in his long-anticipated speech before the United Nations, was unable to present any clear proof that Iraq currently has weapons of mass destruction

Trading Liberty for Security after September 11

What we have done since September 11 is not to make the hard choice of choosing which of our liberties we are willing to forego, but rather to sacrifice their liberties—those of immigrants, and especially of Arab and Muslim immigrants—for the purported security of the rest of us.

The Arrogance of Power

Former Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee J. William Fulbright’s observations and warnings appear deeply relevant to the United States under George W. Bush, particularly in the wake of the publication last week of the administration’s sweeping National Security Strategy of the United States of America and its request that Congress authorize a war resolution arguably as broad and as unilateral as the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution approved in the early stages of the Vietnam War.

Contagion Effect Taking Hold in Latin America

Despite the IMF’s reformist rhetoric about “bailing in” foreign investors and distributing adjustment costs more equitably, there is nothing novel about the new IMF standby credit. It is once again about bailing out banks and bondholders.