There’s a certain kind of danger that comes with a presidential candidate who has made a commitment ahead of time to focus on war. But there is a another type of danger that comes from a candidate who is so vague about his foreign policy, that he himself doesn’t know what he would do in a crisis, IPS foreign policy expert told the Real News Network.

“I’m very concerned about it,” Bennis said regarding Trump’s lack of substance and specificity in his foreign policy speech. “Some of his rhetoric is rather isolationist. But without providing any sense that he has an alternative strategy, when the first crisis breaks, I’m afraid that a President Trump would immediately turn to the military.”

Bennis said that she doesn’t believe Trump has any of the knowledge necessary to put forth a different strategy. For example, he talks about how ISIS gets millions of dollars in oil from Libya, when ISIS is actually getting its oil from Syria.

“If he doesn’t know the difference between Syria and Libya, we’re all in serious trouble,” Bennis said.

While Trump spoke about doing things differently in regards to terrorism, he has returned to the more traditional position of traditional candidates on “embracing all things Israel.”

In previous statements he had said that he would not take sides on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but in this latest address he said that Israel is our great friend and the one true democracy in the Middle East, and that the Obama administration has “treated Iran with tender love and care” at the expense of Israel.

This latest departure from his previous narrative is just one of many signs that Trump has no idea how he would deal with foreign policy issues if he were in the Oval Office.

Phyllis Bennis directs New Internationalism at the Institute for Policy Studies.

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