
Star Wars Revisited

On May 1, 2001, President Bush reiterated his campaign pledge to deploy a multitiered ballistic missile defense system as soon as possible.

Post-9/11 Economic Windfalls for Arms Manufacturers

President Bush’s military budget increase and the war time “unity” on Capitol Hill have created an environment in which weapons makers can enjoy the best of both worlds—continuing to make money on the weapons systems of the cold war while reaping the benefits of a war time bonanza of new defense contracts.

Missile Defense

With public attention focused on Iraq, the Bush administration’s prized missile defense system has been far from the limelight. But make no mistake, it’s still chugging along.

Missile Defense All Over Again

Under President Clinton, it became U.S. policy to deploy a National Missile Defense (NMD) system “as soon as technologically feasible.”

“Pentagon Priorities Put Troops, Security At Risk”

Continuing to fund these big-ticket systems is one reason the Army is still scrambling to provide adequate body armor and well-protected Humvees to our troops in Iraq.

“Do as I say, not as I do” Nuclear Policy

From the ongoing search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, to the appearance of negotiations with North Korea, and the push to declare Iran in violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, President Bush is following through with his promise to

Turkey: New Europe or Old?

The U.S. is offering to help Turkey become part of the “New Europe” in return for its cooperation if U.S. forces invade Iraq. Turkey has been striving to become a member of the European Union (EU) for years, but a number of hurdles remain

Northrop Grumman and TRW Merger: Sealing the Deal

In 2000 the top six U.S. military companies spent over $6.5 million in contributions to candidates and political parties.

Too Much is Never Enough: Bush’s Military Spending Spree

Forget that the Bush administration is sending U.S. troops to train local forces in Yemen, the Philippines, and Uzbekistan, and that since September 11th the U.S. has stepped up military aid to Turkey, Pakistan, India, Jordan, and a number of countries wh

Roadmap to Unilateralist Nuclear Policy

Bush repeatedly discussed reducing the number of nuclear weapons in the U.S. arsenal to “the lowest possible number consistent with our national security” and taking these weapons off hair-trigger alert.

Mixed Signals on Missile Defense

On Saturday, July 14th the Pentagon conducted the fourth intercept test of the National Missile Defense (NMD) system.

Star Wars Revisited: Still Dangerous and Costly

More than $60 billion spent on missile defense projects since 1983 has produced precious little beyond cost overruns and technical failures.