Dr. Patrick Bond is a political economist based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Development Studies in Durban, where he directs the Centre for Civil Society.


Steer clear of this climate ‘Ponzi scheme’

Africa can do better than invest faith and state resources in yet another Ponzi scheme — the “privatisation of the air.”

Are ‘African Lions’ Really Roaring?

Patrick Bond makes a stinging critique of the recent report of the African Development Bank that claims that ‘one in three Africans is middle class’ and as a result, Africa is ready for ‘take off’.

Dodging World Bank Schizophrenia: The Looting of Africa Continues?

The continent’s own elites, together with the West and now China, are still making Africans progressively poorer, thanks to the extraction of raw materials.

Focusing the Struggle

Meeting is great, Patrick Bond writes, but WSF activists need to converge on strategy, generate joint actions, and forge cross-sectoral ties.

Strategies for Social Justice Movements from Southern Africa to the United States

The community of several thousand South African activists from whom I learn most–a group quite consciously pro-globalization-of-people and anti-globalization-of-capital–takes pride in the give-and-take lessons of international protest, solidarity, and local self-reliance gleaned during these past five years.

WSSD Both Attacks and Abets “Global Apartheid”

Officials of the United Nations and the host South African government looking hard in the mirror this weekend will have to judge the World Summit on Sustainable Development a failure.

Zimbabwe’s Rip-off Poll

At this crucial juncture, leadership appears to be lacking.

Thabo Mbeki’s New Partnership for Africa’s Development: Breaking or Shining the Chains of Global Apartheid?

This essay considers Thabo Mbeki’s analysis of globalization, his strategy and demands for global-scale and continental socioeconomic progress, and his preferred alliances.

Strategy and Self-Activity In the Global Justice Movements

Let us take as a starting point that the broadly consensual strategy and basis for self-activity in what we can term Global Justice Movements is the following: to promote the globalization of people and halt (or at minimum radically modify) the globalization of capital.

    Debt Reflief, environment, financial flows, Financial Flows and Investment, Foreign Aid, G8, International Banking, International Financial Institutions, International Monetary Fund, South Africa, Structural Adjustment, World Bank