This week, OtherWords is running two “fiscal cliff” commentaries. Guest columnist Mattea Kramer makes the case for deep, yet targeted military spending cuts while Marian Wright Edelman calls for restraint when it comes to scaling back programs that serve children. We will continue to feature under-debated angles of the growing conversation about how to balance the nation’s budget and avoid what could prove a “fiscal swindle.”

Scroll down to see all our offerings. I encourage you to visit the OtherWords blog, where we are running a special Thanksgiving post from Jim Hightower. And please subscribe to our weekly newsletter if you haven’t signed up yet.

  1. Name that Foreign Policy Legacy / John Feffer
    Under Obama’s leadership, Washington is finally coming to terms with the world’s multipolarity.
  2. Will the Supreme Court Dismantle the Voting Rights Act? / Raul A. Reyes
    Widespread efforts to suppress voting by people of color and the poor through a rash of voter ID laws make it clear that we still need the landmark 1965 legislation today.
  3. Don’t Cut Our Kids Out of the Budget / Marian Wright Edelman
    America’s security and prosperity depend on our children’s ability to drive the economy of the future.
  4. The Classy Election of 2012 / Steve Cobble
    Big ideas can change voting patterns.
  5. Another Side of Inequality / Sam Pizzigati
    A vast gulf between the rich and the rest of us is incompatible with democracy.
  6. The Real Problem with Military Spending / Mattea Kramer
    The Pentagon’s budget has plenty of fat, but cuts need to be targeted.
  7. Bosses Gone Berserk / Jim Hightower
    Papa John’s and other employers are punishing their workers for Obama’s win.
  8. Our Endless State of War / William A. Collins
    As long as it’s fought by other people on someone else’s soil, Americans can live with perpetual conflict.
  9. Voting Rights Appeal / Khalil Bendib Cartoon
Voting Rights Appeal, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

Voting Rights Appeal, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

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