This week in OtherWords, Donald Kaul puts the brutality of drone warfare into historical context, Jill Richardson explains why you should compost and replace your lawn, and Jim Hightower says that a $9 minimum wage would still be too low.

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  1. These Laws Make Me Want to Gag / Will Potter
    States are adopting laws meant to keep consumers in the dark about where their food comes from.
  2. Presidential Distortion / Peter Hart
    The message we’ve been hearing from the mainstream media about Obama’s push for a renewed brand of liberalism is flagrantly false.
  3. New World Disorder / Donald Kaul
    Modern warfare is an exercise in savagery.
  4. Segregation 2.0 / Sam Pizzigati
    America’s residential divide now goes beyond race.
  5. Lose Your Lawn / Jill Richardson
    Turning your lawn into something more beautiful and useful would save time and money while curbing pollution and water usage.
  6. Putting Some Real Pop in Populism / Jim Hightower
    Washington should do more than the minimum on minimum wage
  7. Downwardly Mobile Nation / William A. Collins
    America’s working class has been magically transformed into the working poor.
  8. Minimum Wage, Maximum Drama / Khalil Bendib cartoon
    Minimum Wage, Maximum Drama, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

    Minimum Wage, Maximum Drama, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

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